Dr Miffy Ryan is a philosopher and performance artist, Jacqui Gallon a sculptor and community artist; together they are ‘BeingWildArt’ a collaborative aimed at encouraging people to think about art in a different way. 
Many artists are inspired by things the rest of the world might find a bit odd and Jacqui and Miffy share an obsession with rubbish and how they can make beauty, and make meaning with it.  The cost of art materials can be prohibitive, so it’s empowering to learn about two artists working with rubbish and cardboard waste.   
The artists have a market stall in Loughborough town centre all of next week, from Monday the 15th to Saturday the 20th, with some warm indoor space in the nearby business and enterprise hub - close to Greggs and Boots.  People of all ages (so grown ups too!) are being invited to join them to collaborate and participate in a combination of performance and sculpture making, using non-traditional types of art materials.  The artists will landfill intercept, grabbing cardboard boxes and stuff from the market place before it goes into the bin.   “Sculptures don’t have to be in the world forever, they can be an expression in the moment and in a cardboard box you have a vessel you can really put your imagination into” says Miffy. 
“The boxes have travelled through many different lands and so many different hands. . “Jacqui says “. . .once you open your mind and realise the human imprint on the materials there are all sorts of human stories beyond being a package”.
Being Urban Wild is part of Creative Leicestershire’s animating Leicestershire towns scheme for local artists funded by Arts Council England.  
Jacqui Gallon is a Member of LSA.